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My name is Sophie, I am a Certified Reiki Master in both Usui Reiki Ryoho & Holy Fire. I have a special interest in how our lived experiences are stored in the physical body and recently spent six months volunteering Reiki to cancer patients at St Bart's Hospital. In my spare time, I enjoy walks by water and laughing lots with my daughter.


Reiki is a complementary therapy with the ability to promote physical and emotional well-being. Originating in Japan and now widely practiced and recognised all around the world, practitioners use light touch and intention to facilitate energy healing. 


Assists in alleviating chronic muscle tension and restrictive held postures


Beneficial as part of therapy for anxiety, depression, stress and trauma


Can lower perceived levels of pain and help to improve fatigue


Expands inner awareness and promotes personal growth​


​Opens up our capacity to feel pleasure, love and joy


Promotes healing of the mind, body & spirit 


Firstly, I will introduce myself and answer any questions that you may have.

You will then remained fully clothed and lie down on a massage table, I will check that you feel comfortable and warm using pillows and blankets. 


I will begin by placing my hands lightly and gently on various parts of the body from the head to the feet. This will be a still touch and not a continuous movement as in massage.


Experiences differ for each person but can include changes to energy levels, feelings of relief and visualisations. You may also experience sensations such as warmth, twitches and tingles.

Reiki can be stopped at any time and the approximate duration of each session is 40 minutes. 


I am fully insured with Balens and a member of The Reiki Association. Click here to view my Privacy Policy.

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